
by | Mar 14, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I am not alone in feeling that some organisations are yet to recover from the pandemic. We were all (even if some of us to a much lesser extent) ‘patient at this very difficult time’. But, this current period of permacrises has everyone’s nerves frayed and bad, or indifferent or downright incompetent customer service appears to be the norm in some organisations.

Everyone has an off day and I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about some stock words and phrases in customer service that need to go in room 101.

Thank you for your patience

Please don’t assume I’m being patient – I’m not known for it!

Thanks for reaching out

For the love of god and for the gazillionth time are you in the Four Tops?

Due to covid 19

Still, really?

Track and Trace

It was NEVER TRACK and trace.

Due to the pandemic many of our staff are working from home, please expect delays

Home working is NOT an excuse for shoddy customer service. Some of us have been remote working for years and could and would argue it increases productivity not lessens it.

Actually, on reflection, my top line is that now would be a good day to review/revisit all your comms relating to covid – they will undoubtedly need updating.

Does your email footer for example tell people not to visit your office without prior warning?

Does your Google business profile still state something covid related?

Does your online profile have a mask or an I’ve been jabbed frame?

I DO like

Happy to help

Thanks for letting us know

Let’s see if we can sort this out for you

Sorry you’ve had a long wait

I don’t know, but I’ll do my best to find out (so rarely used, but should be)

Bravo to United Utilities and Plusnet who tend to excel at customer service, consistently.

Feel free to add your customer service words stars/tsars below.
