Did you know there’s a term for when you can’t remember a word? It’s lethologica. I first heard it on Liza Tarbuck’s radio show on BBC Radio 2, the best show on the radio IMHO. I heard it, then promptly forgot it. One of the many chat topics (between the excellent music choices) on Liza’s show is ‘menopausal madness’. Her mention of lethologica was in this context. And it’s probably par for the course that I immediately forgot it.
I was reminded of the word yesterday via an article in The Conversation which states ‘drawing the occasional, temporary blank is very common.’ And yet, the piece doesn’t mention the menopause. Half the population might be shouting at their screens (if they had the energy) about whole words disappearing from brains temporarily.
Menopause has been a hot topic (pun not intended) these last couple of years with much more mainstream chatter about the subject. For me personally the Effin Hormones podcast has been a godsend. Four gobby northern women straight-talking amongst themselves and with and to fascinating guests has made me laugh, think and cry.
What’s the obvious follow on to this huge rise in menopause chatter? Menopause marketing of course.
There have always been products to help with the 34 symptoms of the menopause (and I have tried a heck of a lot of them) and products in general being sold as menopause friendly, but now it’s off the charts.
The clearly brings both opportunities and challenges.
I wrote this a few years ago (after melting in a holiday cottage) about menopause friendly holiday rentals (amongst other things)– have a read.
I’m a big fan of clothes being sold as menopause friendly (natural fabrics, layers, floaty), and mattresses (rubbish sleep is a MASSIVE issue). But, it’s the health side of things where things get trickier.
As with all health marketing, any claims need to be backed up by evidence.
This recent ruling by the ASA is a case in point.
A product from Femtech Healthcare Ltd claimed to relieve several menopause symptoms. It was however banned because they say the evidence supporting these claims was insufficient. It’s the lengthiest ASA ruling I think I’ve ever read and interestingly it wasn’t actually reported by anyone complaining directly about it – AI picked it up. I suspect it won’t be the last.
I’m firmly in the welcoming this focus on menopause camp; whilst also being mindful that any products offered are backed by solid evidence.
As consumers, we need to stay informed and critical of the claims made, ensuring that our choices are both safe and effective.
As marketers and copywriters we need to ensure we can robustly back up our claims.