
Sexism in advertising

By Deborah Wroe The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has published a new report – Depictions, Perceptions and Harm – which provides an evidence-based case for stronger regulation of ads that feature stereotypical gender roles or characteristics which might be...

Failure is not an option, or is it?

By Deborah Wroe Given the news overload of late you may have missed the announcement in early June of a new museum in Sweden dedicated to all things failure. The world’s first Museum of Failure is the brainchild of Dr Samuel West, an organisational psychologist. The...

Buy cheap buy twice

By Deborah Wroe We’ve all heard buy cheap buy twice right? But we all still do it. Take Black Friday as an example. It shouldn’t even be a thing here. It’s traditional in the US as the day following Thanksgiving and we don’t (yet) have Thanksgiving here. But Black...
