Some of us copywriters (me) often write for an international audience. If you’ve been reading my posts for a while you will know that my specialism is plain English. It’s this skill that means writing for an international audience is not a tough gig for me. We’ve all...
What’s in a name
Telly ads normally make me glaze over and zone out, but the latest/current one from Hyundai caught my ear. The entire ad was about how we’ve all been pronouncing the name wrong. I don’t know how long Hyundai has been around or why they chose now to do this (though...
Who wrote what?
Ghostwriting is quite the hot topic at the moment. In the sense of both the facts and the prose, in that OVERLY written about book by a prince. I’ve not bought the book. I don’t intend to buy the book. I don’t even want to read about the book. But I haven’t been able...
Older, wiser, ragier
As ever, it’s about how you both talk to and about older people. It’s about not alienating older people. It’s about avoiding lazy stereotypes. It’s about the language/words you use.
Wronging writing
I’m pretty confident that even the most word-shy man on the street knows about basic writing conventions. There are some basic rules. There are some basic formats. You know, for example, that you wouldn’t (in UK English) send an email to Dear Wroe (ie Dear...
Postcard from Anglesey – holiday ramblings
I’ve been away and have thus largely missed the whole Center Parks fiasco, THE QUEUE (a story seemingly so big it needs caps and on-the-hour updates on the radio) and Holly & Phil, which also relates back to said QUEUE. On the Holly & Phil thing, wasn’t there...
The Train Guy and plain English
Let’s talk about trains! I’m kidding. Seriously who needs to read another word on trains and whether they are running, packed, cancelled, non-existent, etc? No, when I say trains I’m talking about The Train Guy. If you are unfamiliar, The Train Guy is a character from...
Climate Change is not the X Factor
The tone around climate change has to change. Less X Factor and Eurovision next time please. And there will be a next time.
Who are you alienating?
Let’s remove barriers, point out the flaws and make sure we’re not writing, designing, marketing, PRing products or services that alienate from the off.
A professional copywriter can translate bullet points, notes, scribbles or a phone chat into high quality copy that speaks to the target audience in a far more cost-efficient manner than the wrong person on the tools can.